
If you’re a bit short on budget to hire a moulding contractor, you can do the job yourself. Take note, however, that by doing this option, you have to forget about “The Crown” or “rope moulding” (unless, of course, you have really talented hands).

moulding machinery

The easiest design you can do is the Chair Rail. Don’t worry. You don’t even need moulding machinery or anything complex for this.

How? Here’s the instructions:

1) Go to your moulding shop and select appropriate molding to be your Chair Rail. It can be narrow or wide, depending on the style you wish to add to the room, but it should be appropriate to go in the middle of the wall. Take note also that it should lie relatively “flat” against the wall.

moulding machine

2) Determine the height of your Chair Rail (It will probably be somewhere between 30 and 36 inches (75-90cm) high).

3) Measure and cut any miters for the Chair Rail (happens for corners). FYI, a miter is a surface forming the edge of a piece where a joint is made by cutting two pieces at an angle and fitting them together.

4) Measure the Chair Rail mouldings to be used, carefully.

5) Paint or finish the molding.

6) Mark studs on the wall, based on your earlier measurements.

7) Drive finishing nails through the chair rail all the way into the studs.